Providing in home and virtual lactation consultations

Twinkling Star Graphic for Crescent Lactation Care

The best way to feed your baby is the way that works for you.

Let’s work together to figure out what that looks like.

Crescent Moon Graphic for Crescent Lactation Care
Purple and Yellow Twinkling Stars Graphic for Crescent Lactation Care

philadelphia lactation consultant

Hi, I’m Katy, RN, IBCLC

I’m a wife, mother, maternal child nurse home visitor and international board certified lactation consultant (IBCLC).

Crescent Lactation Care was founded to help new and experienced parents find more support, joy and pride in nursing and feeding their babies and toddlers. Through family-centered care, my mission is to help you feel at ease, well informed and excited about your breastfeeding/chestfeeding journey.

I am here to meet you where you are, provide a listening ear, and share evidence based information. We will collaborate to find a lactation/feeding plan that fits your life and goals.

You can nourish your child the way that feels right to you. Let me help.

Here’s How I Can Help

Family centered support for the lactation journey and beyond

Open hand holding twinkling stars graphic for Crescent Lactation Care

Common reasons families work with me

Questions, concerns, challenges around:

  • Latching, nipple pain, lip/tongue tie related issues.

  • Engorgement, plugged duct, mastitis

  • Milk supply

  • Weight gain

  • Supplementing, pumping, introducing a bottle

  • How nursing is going, understanding baby’s cues

  • Introducing solids, back to work, weaning

Gold Human Milk Drop Graphic for Crescent Lactation Care
Twinkling Stars Graphic for Crescent Lactation Care
Twinkling Stars Graphic for Crescent Lactation Care

Kind Words from Families

  • “Katy was a tremendous source of support when I was having issues with breastfeeding. She checked my daughter for tongue tie and did a weighted feed to soothe my worries about how much she was eating. She gave me tips and information on feeding my baby, who had reflux, and took into account my baby as a whole. Because I was a new mom, I was grateful that Katy was helpful in pointing me toward resources and information for body work for my baby, events, and support groups. Katy lended a listening ear (⭐️golden⭐️ for a new mom!) about D-MER and sleep issues we were having. She is well-versed in the world of baby care and is understanding of my parenting choices. Mr. Rogers said to “look for the helpers” ... that’s Katy!”


  • "I contacted Katy when my daughter was around 6 months and both her and I had been sick. The sickness had left us both dehydrated and I was worried about my supply and our breastfeeding relationship. I was instantly comforted by Katy's presence. She did a weighted feed and gave me tips for getting more milk out during a feeding. She also reminded me that I needed to take care of myself in order to be able to provide for the baby, which you can forget when your little one is sick. I'm so glad I found her in my time of need!"


  • "Katy is wonderful! I came into this BF journey with little to no confidence. Katy has been wonderful listening to my struggles, coming up with attainable and realistic goals. I've worked with many LC's who unfortunately couldn't seem to pinpoint what my struggles were. Katy was able to identify my struggles right away and come up with a plan to make this journey more enjoyable for me and my son. The resources that she provides after her visits are extremely helpful. I've gained so much confidence since working with her. As difficult as this journey has been, Katy has been so supportive and I'm grateful that our paths crossed. Do not waste anymore time like I did, book a consult. You won't regret it!!!"


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I saw you and became empty.

This Emptiness, more beautiful than


it obliterates existence, and yet


It comes, existence thrives

and creates more existence!